“I was not alone, for foolhardiness was not then mixed with that love of the grotesque and the terrible which has made my career a series of quests for strange horrors in literature and in life.”
– H.P. Lovecraft, The Lurking Fear
More short movies.
Garshasp released on Steam!
Garshasp, the game I was honored to work on as Technical Artist and in-game Special FX (along lots of other things but that’s what I’m officially named in credits so that’s what I can say without getting a law suit!) is now released on Steam and Gamers’ Gate, and it will be available for purchase shortly. This is a huge step for the team and of course game development in Iran (or Persia if you will).
\m/ to the metal team with the metal mind behind the game!
مدیون غروبهای جمعهای هستم
که به تنهایی گذراندهام؛
ز آنچه روزی در پی اش میرفتم
اکنون میگریزم
من بدان حالت رسیدستم که
با خود می ستیزم
نیما یوشیج
Change is inevitable.
This blog being listed under my name leaves nothing more than professional posts, rather than what I usually did in my previous blogs (no links, sorry!) and since I’m mostly zombified most of the time, leaves this place, empty. And that’s not what I like.
Since I quited “face of that b00k”, I’m having more time and will post here more often, probably, and will try to post stuff here that matter to me rather than just technical stuff but I can’t be as explicit as I like, due to the fact I just talked about, d’oh.
So kids, what we will talk about here is change.