One of the features that in my previous games I and Hossein ( a.k.a. greatest game designer in the whole world ) really wanted and would help us was a tool that would let us change variables at run-time, without the need to do a slight change in the source code that would cause the game to recompile or at best changing a text document ( good ol’ .ini files) that would need you to re run the game. But with a visual editor you would change the variables and see their effect instantly. This would greatly help the game designer to tweak as much as he want, as fast as he can!
In my previous platformers, we had ( and to be honest with you still do ) much more problems that didn’t have time for such fancy features but with a great tool called Monster Debugger and some hard work of make it work with Flixel code (due to the way Flixel handles scenes that are not compatible with the debugger easily) now we can edit almost every variable we want at run time! That is a great debugger and I highly recommend it to any Flash/Flex/AIR developer out there!
now back to the bug with the movement :/