New Rot Gut wallpaper and our dedicated page at BaziCenter website.

Our dear artist, Behzad Mohammad Rahimi Asad, made another lovely wallpaper to celebrate our “Best Indie Game” title award from 2nd IRGF festival:

Also I’m proud to announce that BaziCenter, the biggest Persian gaming forum, created a dedicated page for Rot Gut which is accessible from this link. Also you can see lovely art works of Behzad that decorates that page as well:

Rot Gut (Black Elixir) won the “Best Indie Game” title from 2nd Iranian Game Festifal (IRGF).

I’m proud to say that Rot Gut (under moniker for Black Elixir) has won the “Best Indie Game” award plus 20 million Rials from the 2nd Iranian Game Festival (IRGF).

I remember the days I sat with my best friend Hossein “PeaCe” and we dreamed of making indie games.

Without any doubt it was not possible without the great team I was privileged enough to work with:

– Behzad Mohammad Rahimi Asad.

– Mohammad Nejad Azar.

– Lawrence Steele.

– Matthew Hagberg.

My IRGF presentation presentation files.


I was honored to hold two workshops at 2nd Iranian Game Festival (IRGF) which I was amazed by the significance increase in quality of the crowd, comparing to previous years. Also the quality of the workshops increased as well and I attended almost all of them and I learned alot, especially in Casual scene which I was just a simple peasant at.

As I promised some of the bright ones to upload my presentation files, here they are:

Indie and Casual

RotGut Postmortem