After about two months of very hard work and very stressful management, finally we got the competition version of “Hasan Kachal and Secret of the Red Apple” submitted for IRGF, the first Persian festival of video games, our eternal love.
So since I neglected almost everything in this time, I have to do some catching up with things and then, we’ll continue developing features that we left behind to reach the deadline and things that we fantasized during the development but obviously didn’t have time to do so.
I’ll upload the IRGF demo after they give out the results, for obvious reasons, for now, take a look at our disc, yes, we made disks and it has cover too! Like “real” games!
I’m very proud and honored to work with the team I worked with, from guys who did the music and sound FX to my very own Hossein Hoseinian, my best friend and brother, who never did and never will leave my side, especially when we need him the most, to one of the best graphic artists I know, Behzad Rahimi, who rocked our cover and HUD design and introduced to us another great artist, to my innocent Sara Salimpour who during her deadlines but we couldn’t use her work much, accepted all my nags and little edits and others who helped me on forums.
Thank you all, you all rock.
I learned a lot during the development of this game, I actually did more managing that coding/developing the game. Since we are “indie” and is not funded, we had to find network friends and people who we could rely on doing work for us, not asking for money and most importantly work on our tight schedule, not to mention my high expectations of art.
The experience was very valuable lesson of team development, which is my reward actually.
Even if we don’t get a prize, we already won. Having a deadline is very important for bed room developers since it’s a driving force. It’s like that old Persian story that an old man called his children on his death bed and told them there is a hidden treasure beneath our farm but didn’t tell them it’s exact location. So his children started digging around to find the treasure so as you might guess, they found nothing. After some time, their dogged farm started to grow and they found that the treasure was there all the time. It’s the same thing for us, if we don’t win the competition, we already have a full game under our belts, which is great already. Don’t forget international competitions, *cough* IGF *cough*.
Until the next time I return with our dev plan for next release.
p.s. If you want help the team, you can donate us and get disc version of the game with the OST. Mail me or ask here for info on how to doing it.